Many persons are drawn to Jamaica because of its luxurious beaches, warm weather, and renowned nightlife. But have you ever wondered what the cost to live in Jamaica on a day-to-day basis is versus living in the United States? Being someone who has lived in both countries for an excessive period the comparison is almost non-existent. But don’t take my word for it, let us check the list below:
Please note the numbers stated below may vary depending on the parts of the country one lives, the lifestyle of the person and other factors.
Average Salary for 40 hour week:
- Jamaica $4000Usd/year
- America $56,516 Usd/year
The salaries in Jamaica are very low in comparison with the average for the USA. This is one of the key reasons why thousands leave the island each year to seek employment in the United States. The average cost of basic needs are also topics to take into consideration. Let us look at our essential living costs concerning the two countries.
Food factor in Cost of Living Comparison:
A romantic dinner for two can average $22 US upwards depending on what you choose to purchase, that same meal in the United States would be approximately $52 US upwards. A single person in an American reportedly spends, on average, $200 – $350 Monthly, according to fox news. While in Jamaica, a single person may pay $180 monthly on groceries.
Utilities factor in Cost of Living Comparison:
Water Bill in Jamaica is averaged $30. The average cost of water in the US is, on average, $70.40 per month.
The average cost for electricity in Jamaica is $90 monthly and in the US $150 on average. Please note the price in the United States is dependent on the season and location. Jamaica has continuous tropical weather, which would affect the cost of electricity.
Rent And Mortgage:
Rent comparison for the United States and Jamaica is approximately 65.90% higher than in Jamaica. In Jamaica’s most populated cities, one could pay $260 US Dollars for a two-bedroom apartment, that same two-bedroom in Florida could be from $800-$1500 US Dollars, that is almost four times the amount. In places like New York or Boston, the compassion could be a $260 Month in Jamaica and $2000 in Boston or Newyork.
It is also very much possible to build or purchase a house in Jamaica for $7500 – $10,000 US dollars depending on location and design.
Of course, entertainment in Jamaica is top-notch and one of the main reasons thousands of people head to the island each year. Montego-bay, Ocho Rios, and Kingston top the list for your nightclubs, tourist attractions, and live entertainment. Funny enough entertainment tickets and entry is not as expensive as one might think $20-$70 can get you into functions depending on the type of party and the artist that will be present.
In the United States, your price range would be $35-$100 for good live entertainment. Movies tickets are the same cost in both countries, $9.50 per person and $10 in Jamaica and the United States, respectively.
While the cost of transportation is relatively 50% lower, the cost of purchasing a motor vehicle is lower in the United States than it is in Jamaica due to importation cost.
Child Care:
Childcare in Jamaica is 72% lower than the cost of child care in the United States.
The Facts:
On average, the cost of living in Jamaica is 26.87% lower than living in the united states. Of course, there are several factors to consider when considering these numbers:
The minimum wage in America is $7.25 US, while in Jamaica, you would be paid a minimum of $51 US for an entire week of work. So say you worked 40 standard hours in one job in the US at the weekend you would receive a minimum of $290 in Jamaica that same week off work would merit $51 US minimum.
The United States of America is a first-world country, while Jamaica is a third world country. This means the purchasing power and living standards are different for the average person.
The United States has more opportunities for work and develops at a faster pace than Jamaica does. Its 24/7 hour economy also allows people to do multiple jobs.
If you plan to move to Jamaica in your working years or retire in Jamaica, I hope these facts can help your decision.